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Wealth Protection, Life Insurance, Critical Illness,
Disability & Long Term Care Insurance

"As an expert in wealth and risk management, I have unlimited access to the top providers in the industry. I am pleased to offer unbiased advice and provide solutions to meet your specific goals and dreams. I strive to take the complex and simplify it so you can fully understand and make the right decisions for yourself."

As a Financial Navigator, my approach is based on a 5 step proven process. I help pilot my clients on a journey through life to reveal benefits that will not only impact today, but have a profound impact on future generations.

Ask about my Lifeboat360° process

Smooth sailing,


Les is CHS certified (Certified Health Specialist) and also holds his CPCA designation (Certified Professional Consultant on Aging)


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Individual Health Plans 

Travel Insurance



Health, Dental,

Critical Illness Insurance



Group Health Association













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